Crohn’s Disease Disability Lawyer

If your Long-Term Disability has been denied call us for your FREE CONSULTATION today.

Crohn’s Disease Long-Term Disability Lawyers

Free Consultations Nationwide. Call 1-844-434-7224 or Send us a Message Today.  If you suffer from Crohn’s Disease and have been Denied your Long-Term Disability Benefits we can help.

Our Long-Term Disability Lawyers help people who suffer from Crohn’s Disease & have been wrongfully denied their Long-Term Disability Benefits. Free Consultations and you NEVER pay upfront. 

Crohn’s disease falls into a category known as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). It is a chronic disorder that results in the inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Roughly 135,000 people in Canada are estimated to be living with Crohn’s disease, with that number expected to continue to increase. What makes this disease challenging for people who suffer from it is that researchers are still unsure what causes Crohn’s disease to develop and that there currently is no cure for it.

Crohn’s disease can significantly impact an individual’s ability to work and maintain a consistent employment schedule. The condition, characterized by chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, often leads to debilitating symptoms such as severe abdominal pain, diarrhea, fatigue, and weight loss. These symptoms can make it difficult for a person with Crohn’s disease to focus on their job, adhere to deadlines, or even carry out basic tasks.

Crohn’s disease can be extremely disruptive to both one’s work and daily life. The painful physical symptoms of this disability can prevent someone from continuing to excel at the career of their choice. For those who attempt to continue along their career paths, there may be embarrassing social situations resulting from their symptoms, causing some to walk away from their jobs and, in some cases, their social networks. 

Furthermore, frequent doctor appointments, hospitalizations, and the need for ongoing medical treatment can result in considerable time away from work. In some cases, the severity of the disease can make it impossible for an individual to continue working, forcing them to seek disability benefits to ease the financial burden.

If you’ve been denied long-term disability benefits for Crohn’s, you Don’t Have to go through the Disability Appeals Process. You have the right to hire your own Disability Lawyer for free to fight for you. Don’t do this alone.

Remember, if you have been denied your long-term disability benefits you have the right to your own long-term disability lawyer. Lalande Disability Lawyers have been representing disability claimants for decades and have the experience you need to help overturn your disability benefit denial. Call us today at 1-844-434-7224 for your FREE CONSULTATION or alternatively, send us a message through our website and we will be happy to get right back to you and schedule your FREE CONSULTATION and explain your legal rights to you, and what remedy you may be entitled to. Remember – if we work together, we will NEVER ask for money upfront, under any circumstances. Our Crohn’s disease disability lawyers only get paid – if you get paid.

Do not Appeal your Disability Denial

Your disability insurance company will ask you to appeal your denied disability claim through their own system, but many people find that this doesn’t work and just wastes time, making your benefits payment take even longer. This means you’re asking the same insurance company that already denied your claim for Crohn’s disease to reconsider the claim. Instead of appealing the claim, contact our long-term disability lawyers for FREE advice on how to handle your denied disability claim for Crohn’s disease. This way, you can make a more informed decision about how to handle your long-term disability denial.

What is Crohn’s disease?

Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that primarily affects the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, although it can impact any part of the digestive system from the mouth to the anus. This complex and often debilitating condition is characterized by inflammation, which can penetrate deep into the layers of the intestinal wall, causing a wide array of symptoms and complications. The precise cause of Crohn’s disease remains unknown, but it is believed to result from a combination of genetic, environmental, and immunological factors. An overactive immune system, triggered by an unknown stimulus, may attack the body’s own healthy cells, resulting in the chronic inflammation observed in Crohn’s patients.

The symptoms of Crohn’s disease can vary greatly in severity and may include abdominal pain, persistent diarrhea, rectal bleeding, weight loss, and fatigue. These symptoms can range from mild to severe, with periods of remission interspersed with acute flare-ups. The unpredictable nature of the disease can significantly impact an individual’s quality of life, as it often necessitates frequent medical appointments, dietary restrictions, and ongoing medication management.

There is currently no known cure for Crohn’s disease, but various treatment options are available to help manage and control symptoms, reduce inflammation, and promote healing of the intestinal wall.

Types of Crohn’s Disease

There are five types of Crohn’s disease, which are distinguished from each other in terms of the area of the GI tract they affect. They are all similar in terms of presenting as chronic inflammations of the GI tract but can have different symptoms, depending on where they cause the most damage along the GI tract. 

  1. Ileocolitis: a common form of Crohn’s Disease, it affects the small intestine and the colon and can cause symptoms like diarrhea and cramping, severe pain and weight loss
  2. Ileitis: this kind of Crohn’s disease affects the small intestine and can have symptoms including diarrhea and pain. Some people with this type of Crohn’s disease may develop fistulas.
  3. Gastroduodenal Crohn’s disease: this type of Crohn’s disease affects the stomach and duodenum, which is a part of the small intestine that is important for the digestion process. It causes symptoms including loss of appetite and weight as well as feelings of nausea.
  4. Jejunoileitis: a type of Crohn’s disease that attacks parts of the small intestine, resulting in fistulas, pain and diarrhea. 
  5. Crohn’s colitis: this type of Crohn’s disease also affects the colon and results in diarrhea and bleeding from the rectum, which can be both irritating and a work disturbance for many professionals.

Causes of Crohn’s Disease

The causes of Crohn’s disease are still unknown, but there are signs that this disorder may be the physical expression of an extreme immune response to a virus or bacterium. Family history and genetics also seem to play a significant role in who develops Crohn’s disease: roughly 20% of the individuals with this disability have a close family member who also has Crohn’s disease. 

While there is no confirmed information about a possible cause of Crohn’s disease, there are a few risk factors that point to what sort of people should be careful about the possibility of developing this disorder: 

Ethnicity: numbers in Canada show a particularly high percentage of people who are Ashkenazi Jews or of South Asian ethnicity developing Crohn’s disease, which seems to imply that genetics is an important risk factor in determining who develops this disorder.

Age: the disease is usually diagnosed in individuals between the ages of 20 to 30. Recently, however, people over the age of 65 make up the fastest-growing group of Canadians developing Crohn’s disease. 

Smoking: the number of individuals with Crohn’s disease who smoke is twice as many as those who do not smoke. That certainly does not mean that Crohn’s disease does not affect non-smokers, but it does indicate that smoking is a significant risk factor. 

Geography/lifestyle: people who live in cities seem to have a greater likelihood of developing Crohn’s disease; in particular, there are high numbers of individuals living in northern climates who develop this disability. That said, it’s still unclear what the relationship between city life and Crohn’s disease is.

Symptoms of Crohn’s Disease

Crohn’s disease is the extreme inflammation of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Inflammation happens when a part of the body is hurt from injury or infection. Inflammation is a very normal part of the body’s response against injury and infection, but there are cases of inflammation that get out of control, such as in the case of Crohn’s disease. In this situation, the body’s immune system overreacts to the situation, resulting in an extreme inflammation. 

The symptoms associated with Crohn’s disease are all associated with the inflammation of the GI tract. Many symptoms, including diarrhea, pain, and cramping, are connected with inflammation in the part of the body that is trying to digest food. It takes about 6-8 hours for food to pass through the stomach and small intestine after consumption, meaning that the organ is active for that entire period and could irritate an already painful internal injury. The symptoms that can develop include:

Loss of appetite, weight loss: This may be both a biological and behavioural response to the physical pain from this disability, but many individuals will feel less motivated to eat, in order to avoid feelings of pain that may at least be partly a result of the digestive process agitating the ulcers and inflamed sections of the GI tract. As a result of that, weight loss is a symptom associated with Crohn’s disease, particularly types of the disability that affect the small intestine. 

Bleeding from the rectum: This symptom is usually recognized when someone’s stool is bloody. 

Rectal urgency: Individuals with Crohn’s disease may be less able to control their need to move their bowels. The need to use the restroom will be much more urgent and more frequent. 

Intestinal gas: People with this symptom of Crohn’s disease may be more prone to flatulence or burping to release the gas. 

Fatigue: As a result of the regular loss of blood from the constant irritation of the inflamed site in their intestines, someone with Crohn’s disease can feel constantly tired. 

Can Crohn’s Disease Affect a Person’s Ability to Work?

While it can be extremely uncomfortable at times, Crohn’s disease is not usually life-threatening, although some of the complications associated with this disability can cause serious disability. The physical pain and the disturbance that Crohn’s disease causes can mean that people who live with Crohn’s disease cannot go through life without constantly being reminded that there is always a possibility of the disease directly impacting their day. 

The disruption of flare-ups

The pain from Crohn’s disease during flare-ups can be unbearable and can make it impossible to physically move, think or speak, much less maintain their productivity in a workplace. The inconsistency of flare-ups also makes it very inconvenient and difficult for workers with Crohn’s disease to manage their symptoms in such a way that allows them to continue their work.

Some positions (like management positions and office jobs) might allow people with this disability to continue working with relatively minor adjustments to their working space or style. For others, however, like first responders or construction staff, the possibility of immobilizing pain breaking out throughout your body without warning can be a career-ender due to the danger to yourself in that line of work and the compromising position that it places your coworkers in as well. 

Embarrassment and low self-esteem 

The element of pain in Crohn’s disease impacts an individual’s ability to succeed in the workplace for one other important reason: self-esteem. A number of the symptoms associated with Crohn’s disease may not be life-threatening in the physical sense, but they can certainly be embarrassing enough to make someone with a disability want to end their career. 

There could be issues with excess intestinal gas, which may be hard to control. Over time, uncontrolled releases of gas can result in coworkers’ complaints or an unsaid unwillingness to work together on future projects. Perianal fistulas can result in bloody messes spilling out of wounds near the anus, making for an uncomfortable social dynamic. Whether someone with Crohn’s disease decides to publicly explain their condition to their coworkers or not, Crohn’s disease remains a very public, demotivating disability to introduce to a workplace. 

Limitation on food choices

One major impact of Crohn’s disease on someone’s lifestyle is the impact on food selection, in both general and specific terms. Certain foods can result in additional complications or increased levels of pain. Adjusting food choices is an inconvenience, even with full control over your schedule and surroundings, but it can be a terrible hassle to deal with while on the job. For those who are used to eating on the go, it may be an impossible decision to choose between a convenient meal option and another choice of food that may be less nourishing and filling but is less likely to end up in a Crohn’s disease flare-up. 

Mental stress

Crohn’s disease can be a very invisible disease. Someone trying to continue competing in an office environment might feel great pressure trying to establish relationships with a disability that might make it very challenging for other coworkers to stay around them. The company may suggest you consider another line of work, particularly if Crohn’s disease symptoms distract you or others. 

Even if you can overcome these hurdles, Crohn’s disease simply doesn’t go away. With no current cures for the condition, this is a disability that stays with people for life, meaning that managing a presence at work will include keeping track and ensuring that preparations are made in the event of a flare-up and that nothing is done that might cause a flare-up. It can prove very time-consuming and challenging for someone who is trying to keep pace in a company, much less get ahead of the competition at the office.. 


The physical symptoms of Crohn’s disease can lead to constant fatigue that affects the individual’s ability to work. This is due to:

Blood loss: the amount of blood loss that can be a result of internal intestinal damage can be draining on a working person. Whether it is a job requiring focus and attention to detail or a great deal of physical strength, dealing with regular blood loss means coming to work constantly drained. Blood loss under any circumstance is not something that helps someone in any situation and can hurt someone’s chances of being successful at the workplace. 

Physical pain: the physical conditions of the disability naturally make it challenging for people with this disorder to sleep well. The physical pain that might flare up during the night alone is enough to keep someone from having a restful, recharging night of sleep.

Lack of nutrition: Crohn’s disease also deprives a lot of the nutritional and energy value of the food people with the disability eat. Whether from complications like fistulas or by personal choice, individuals with Crohn’s disease often do not receive the necessary nutritional value necessary to fuel their bodies at the workplace.

Without sleep, not only do people with Crohn’s disease need to deal with the possibility of flare-ups and other symptoms worsening during their daily life, but they also need to meet their responsibilities at the office, doing what they can to fulfill their professional obligations with whatever remains of physical ability and energy they are left with.  

The inability to pursue your career

Crohn’s disease prevents people from freely pursuing their career paths on many fronts. The disability affects people both physically and mentally. Many who have to deal with Crohn’s disease concede that they are no longer physically able to do the expected work or can no longer see themselves in a career path that they can succeed in, with their physical disability. Others, while perhaps able to physically do their work, may withdraw for other reasons, like stress or no longer able to live with a future working with the constant possibility of embarrassing situations as a result of their disorder.  

Individuals Living with Crohn’s Disease Often Must Rely on Long-Term Disability

Crohn’s disease frequently results in individuals needing long-term disability benefits that can be available through employer group benefits. These monthly financial benefits, which are normally a portion of a worker’s salary, can help individuals who suffer from Crohn’s disease address their health needs. When those living with Crohn’s disease cannot work due to flare-ups and embarrassing symptoms, this can cause major financial hardships for the individual and their loved ones. Consequently, long-term disability benefits become a necessary lifeline to help alleviate the financial burden and provide essential support for those living with Crohn’s disease.

Unfortunately, Many Claimants with Crohn’s Disease are Wrongly Cut-off or Denied their Long-Term Disability Benefits

Crohn’s disease is a condition that affects each individual differently and its severity can vary greatly depending on the person’s circumstances. Crohn’s disease is a serious matter that can greatly disrupt someone’s life in many ways. Unfortunately, this is not always taken into consideration when it comes to disability insurance decisions and an individual with Crohn’s disease may be denied long-term disability benefits as a result.

Long-term disability benefits can be denied for various reasons, depending on the specific terms and conditions of the insurance policy, as well as the claimant’s individual circumstances. One common reason for denial is insufficient medical evidence. Insurance companies often require comprehensive documentation to support a claim, such as medical records, test results, and physician statements. If the provided evidence is deemed inadequate or fails to demonstrate the extent and duration of the disability, the claim may be denied.

Our disability lawyers have extensive experience in helping individuals with Crohn’s disease receive the compensation that they are entitled to. At Lalande Disability Lawyers we understand the complexities of the different types of Crohn’s disease and how it can affect someone’s ability to work, and we will fight for you to get the benefits that you deserve. Don’t let a denied claim stop you from getting the help that you need and contact us today to start working towards receiving your long-term disability benefits.

Have you been Denied Long-Term Disability Benefits for Crohn’s Disease?

Even though we know that the symptoms of Crohn’s disease can stop someone from working and performing their job duties, insurance companies often continue to deny disability claims. If your long-term disability claim has been denied due to a Crohn’s disease diagnosis, you have rights, for example:

  • you have the right to “say no” to the appeals process
  • you have the right to hire your own disability lawyer to fight for you
  • you have the right to talk to a disability lawyer for free
  • you have the right to pursue a claim against your disability insurer for breach of contract
  • you have the right access a disability lawyer free of charge on a no-win, no fee basis

If you or a loved one suffers from Crohn’s disease, and has been denied long-term disability insurance benefits, contact our Crohn’s disease Disability Lawyers today. We are here to help you secure the disability benefits you deserve so that you can focus on your recovery without added financial burdens. Our experienced Crohn’s disease lawyers have successfully represented thousands of clients, and we look forward to helping you. Reach out today and see how our Crohn’s Disease Disability Lawyers at Lalande Disability Lawyers can help you in your claim. 

There are several ways to book your free consultation with our Long-Term Disability Lawyers:

  • Call us for free no matter where you are in Ontario, or Nationwide at 1-844-4-DISABILITY.
  • You can send us a confidential email through our website – and we would be happy to explain your long-term disability rights and legal options to you, at no cost.
  • You can inquire through any form on our website and;
  • You can CHAT live 24/7 and your discussion will be provided to our intake person without delay and we will get right back to you.



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FAQ about Crohn’s Disease and Long-Term Disability Claims
Can you qualify for disability benefits if you suffer from Crohn’s disease?

In most cases, yes, so long as you satisfy the definition of total disability as it is set out in your long-term disability policy.

Can you get long-term disability benefits in Ontario if you have Crohn’s disease?

In most cases, you can qualify for long-term disability benefits if you suffer from brain trauma, so long-as you meet the definition of “total disability” within your disability insurance policy.

How hard is it to get disability benefits for Crohn’s disease?

In Ontario, you can qualify for disability benefits if you are following a proper treatment plan and you satisfy the requirements of the definition of a “total disability” within the meaning of your disability insurance policy.

Does having Crohn’s disease qualify me for long-term disability benefits?

If the symptoms of your Crohn’s disease prevent you from engaging or completing the substantial duties of your employment and you meet the definition of “total disability” within your disability insurance policy you can qualify.

Should I appeal a denied disability claim?

No, appealing to the same insurance company that denied your disability claim is a waste of your valuable time, you need benefits now. Contact one of our disability lawyers now.

Is talking to a disability lawyer for Crohn’s disease free?

Yes, talking to a disability lawyer about your case should always be free. At our firm, we never charge anyone to talk to us about their case. We understand that another bill is the last thing you need while suffering and being cut-off disability.

Do I Have A Disability Case?


If you’ve been denied disability or your benefits have been terminated – fill in the form below.  We are more than happy to review your case and get right back to you.

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