Sudbury Long-Term Disability Lawyer


Our Sudbury Disability Lawyers have been helping disabled individuals in Greater Sudbury and surrounding areas since 1984. Matt Lalande and Karen Camporese have recovered millions for claimants in Sudbury who have been wrongly denied their Long-Term Disability Benefits. Remember, our consultations are ALWAYS free, and you will never pay our lawyers upfront.

We serve disability claimants in Greater Sudbury and all throughout Ontario. If your Long-Term Disability Benefits were Terminated, Call us Now.

Our Sudbury long-term disability lawyers recognize that when beneficiaries lose access to their long-term disability payments, it frequently leads to an acute and immediate monetary crisis. These funds are designed to offer a portion of an individual’s earnings when they cannot work due to a disabling injury or illness. Terminating these payments can significantly decrease income, making it challenging or unfeasible to afford essential needs like groceries, housing, utilities, and healthcare costs. We have witnessed this situation repeatedly.

If you reside in the Sudbury region and your long-term disability benefits have been denied or terminated, it’s crucial to contact a disability lawyer with expertise in managing disability claims and trial experience, as both can impact the outcome of your long-term disability case.

Matt Lalande, Karen Camporese, and their team of long-term disability lawyers have been advocating for Sudbury individuals who have been denied disability benefits for more than two decades. They understand the unique challenges disabled individuals face in the Greater Sudbury area and are committed to providing personalized legal representation to help them secure the benefits they deserve.

How do I hire a Long-Term Disability Lawyer in Sudbury near me?

Trying to find the right Sudbury disability lawyer can be daunting, especially when faced with the overwhelming amount of advertisements, billboards, online listings, and other forms of media. The process can become even more challenging without a personal recommendation or prior experience with legal professionals.

The sheer volume of information, names, and firms can leave anyone feeling lost and confused. Each advertisement presents a firm or lawyer as the best choice, making it difficult to determine genuine expertise and suitability for your specific situation.

It’s perfectly understandable to feel frustrated or stressed during this process. The uncertainty of not knowing who to trust or how to evaluate their capabilities can add to the emotional burden. Instead of feeling empowered and reassured, the journey of finding the right lawyer often feels like searching for a needle in a haystack.

Finding a long-term disability lawyer in Sudbury can be a difficult and time-consuming task. Disability cases often involve intricate knowledge of both legal and medical matters, requiring an experienced disability lawyer who is well-versed in the complexities of disability law and understands the medical issues at hand. Since long-term disability cases often involve sensitive personal matters, it is critical to find a Sudbury disability lawyer with whom you feel comfortable and can trust. Here are some steps you can take:

Personal Recommendations: When searching for a Sudbury Disability Lawyer, personal recommendations are crucial. A trusted friend, your real estate lawyer, family member, or a professional contact can provide valuable insights based on their experience, including the lawyer’s competence, commitment, and communication skills. Personal recommendations often offer a more balanced view compared to online reviews, as they are less likely to overstate the positives or understate the negatives.

People who know you well can also help you find a disability lawyer whose approach suits your needs. For example, if you value frequent updates, a close contact might suggest a lawyer known for excellent communication.

Online Research: Browse disability lawyers’ websites in your area to find information about their expertise, lawyers, and case history. Online reviews can also provide helpful insights.

Specialization and Experience: It is crucial to choose a disability lawyer who specializes in disability law and has handled cases similar to yours.

Reputation Check: Verify the lawyer’s standing with your local bar association or Google them for any negative information that may surface.

Free Consultation: Many disability lawyers provide free initial consultations. Use this chance to discuss your case, assess your comfort level with the lawyer, and inquire about their experience, approach, and expected outcomes.

Legal Fees: Our disability lawyers often work on a contingency fee basis, meaning we only get paid if our client’s disability claim succeeds. However, discuss any potential costs upfront with the Sudbury disability lawyers you consult to avoid surprises later.

Choose a Lawyer You’re Comfortable With: Ultimately, you should feel at ease with your disability lawyer and confident that they understand and care about your case. Trust your instincts – if something feels off, don’t hesitate to look for another lawyer. Remember – you will be working closely with this lawyer for a very long time.

Take your time during this process. Hiring the right Sudbury disability lawyer can greatly influence the outcome of your case.

What Medical Conditions Qualify for Long-Term Disability?

We routinely assist claimants with cancer disability claims, mental health disability claims, chronic illness disability claims and injury disability claims – the following of which are set out below:

How Important are Online Reviews when Looking for a Sudbury Disability Lawyer?

Reading online reviews can be a valuable part of your research when seeking a Sudbury Disability Lawyer. While personal recommendations are incredibly important, online reviews offer additional perspectives and insights that can help you make an informed decision. Consider the following:

Broader Perspective: Online reviews provide a wider range of experiences and opinions from past clients. This can give you a more comprehensive understanding of the lawyer’s strengths and weaknesses.

Identifying Patterns: If you notice recurring themes in the reviews, whether positive or negative, it can indicate a pattern in the lawyer’s service. For example, if multiple reviews mention the lawyer’s promptness in communication, it’s likely a reliable strength.

Insight into Client Experience: Reviews often detail the client’s journey, from the initial consultation to the case outcome. This can give you a sense of what to expect if you choose to work with that lawyer.

Red Flags: Negative reviews can alert you to potential issues, such as lack of communication, unprofessionalism, or unsatisfactory case outcomes.

However, it’s important to approach online reviews with a critical eye and look for:

Authenticity: Not all reviews are genuine. Some may be written by the lawyer’s friends or family, while others may be posted by competitors attempting to tarnish their reputation. Our reviews are 100% real and authentic – that is a guarantee.

Extreme Opinions: People are more likely to write a review if they had a particularly good or bad experience. This can lead to polarized opinions that may not represent the average client’s experience.

Lack of Context: Reviews often lack the full context of the case. A negative outcome might be due to factors beyond the lawyer’s control, but this context may be missing from the review.

Outdated Information: Laws, practices, and even lawyers can change over time. An old review may not reflect the current reality.

Despite these limitations, online reviews are still a useful tool in your research. Look for patterns, read between the lines, and use the insights gained to inform your questions when you meet with potential lawyers.

While online reviews should not be the sole basis for your decision, they can provide valuable information to supplement personal recommendations and your own research. Approach them critically, but don’t discount them entirely. They are another puzzle piece in finding the right Sudbury Disability Lawyer for your needs.

Is Talking with a Sudbury Disability Lawyers Free?

When you’re searching for a Sudbury Disability Lawyer, one of the most important factors to consider is whether they offer a free initial consultation. This consultation is a critical step in your journey to finding the right legal representation for your disability case. We understand that the last thing you need after being cut off your disability benefits is a legal bill. We provide free consultations, where you can discuss your case with us for as long as you like – without any commitment.

The Benefits of a Free Consultation

During these meetings, our Sudbury disability lawyers will attentively listen to your situation and offer informed advice based on our expertise in Canadian disability law. You’ll discover potential strategies for seeking compensation and get an understanding of the strength of your claim. We’ll also clarify our fee structure to ensure there are no unexpected costs later on. This consultation allows both of us to assess whether a partnership would be mutually beneficial—all without any upfront payment from you.

No Financial Risk

A free consultation allows you to explore your legal options without any financial commitment. This means you can gather essential information and advice without worrying about initial costs, making it easier to take the first step in seeking legal help.

Evaluate the Lawyer’s Expertise

During the consultation, you can assess the lawyer’s knowledge and experience in handling disability cases. This helps you determine if they have the necessary skills and expertise to manage your specific situation effectively.

Understand Your Case’s Potential

The disability lawyer can provide an initial assessment of your case, offering insights into its strengths and weaknesses. This evaluation can help you understand the likelihood of success and what to expect if you move forward with your claim.

Clarify the Fee Structure

A free consultation is an opportunity to discuss the lawyer’s fee structure and any potential costs involved. Understanding the financial aspect upfront ensures there are no surprises later, allowing you to plan accordingly.

Gauge Compatibility

Meeting the lawyer in person helps you determine if you feel comfortable working with them. Establishing a good rapport and confidence in their ability to represent you is crucial for a successful attorney-client relationship.

How much does a Sudbury Disability Lawyer Cost?

For individuals seeking disability benefits, the process of filing a claim and navigating the legal system can be overwhelming and stressful. Many disability claimants are already facing financial hardships due to their inability to work, and the thought of incurring substantial legal fees can be a significant deterrent to pursuing their rightful benefits. The fear of being saddled with a massive legal bill, even if their disability claim is successful, can cause many people to abandon their cases prematurely or refrain from seeking legal assistance altogether.

At our disability law firm, we recognize the unique challenges disability claimants face and believe that everyone should have access to experienced legal representation, irrespective of their financial circumstances.

Our disability lawyers work on a contingency fee basis, which means that our clients do not have to pay any upfront costs or hourly fees for our services.

Instead, we only collect a percentage of the disability benefits awarded if we successfully resolve the case in favor of our client.

In the event that the claim is unsuccessful, our clients owe us nothing. By working on a contingency fee basis, our disability law firm ensures that claimants can pursue their benefits without the added burden of legal expenses, allowing them to prioritize their health and well-being throughout the process.

What are the Benefits of Contingency Fees?

No Upfront Payment: When you choose a disability lawyer who works on contingency, you don’t have to worry about paying any legal fees upfront. This arrangement makes it more accessible for individuals facing financial hardships to obtain legal representation. More people can seek justice without being burdened by immediate costs.

No Financial Risk for Clients: Disability lawyers working on contingency take on the financial risk of the case. If the case is unsuccessful, clients generally don’t have to pay any legal fees. This structure minimizes the financial risk for clients and motivates the disability lawyer to work diligently on the case, knowing they only receive payment if they achieve a successful outcome.

Incentive for Optimal Results: Since disability lawyers working on contingency receive a percentage of the settlement or judgment, they are incentivized to secure the best possible outcome for their clients. The more successful the case, the higher their compensation. This encourages lawyers to dedicate their efforts and fight vigorously for their clients’ interests.

Promoting Access to Justice: Contingency fees contribute to leveling the playing field in the legal system – meaning you can hire which lawyer you want to. Even individuals facing large disability insurance companies can obtain high-quality legal representation, ensuring that justice is accessible to all, regardless of financial status.

Enhanced Client-Lawyer Alignment: Contingency fees align the interests of the lawyer with those of the client. Both parties are invested in achieving a successful outcome, fostering a strong partnership. Moreover, it can build trust as clients recognize that their disability lawyer believes in the merits of their case enough to invest time and expertise without guaranteed payment.

Do I Need to hire a Disability Law Specialist?

Yes – when your disability benefits have been terminated, it’s crucial to hire a disability law specialist for several reasons:

Expertise: Disability law specialists have in-depth knowledge and experience in handling disability benefit cases. They understand the complex legal framework, insurance policies, and medical aspects involved. Their expertise allows them to navigate the system effectively and build a strong case on your behalf.

Challenging Insurance Companies: Disability insurance companies have vast resources and legal teams to protect their interests. A disability law specialist levels the playing field by providing you with an advocate who can stand up to the insurance company and fight for your rights. They know how to counter the tactics used by insurers to deny or terminate benefits.

Experienced in Medical-Legal Litigation: Disability law specialists are well-versed in medical-legal litigation. Our disability lawyers have experience and understanding of how medical evidence interacts with legal principles in disability cases.

Negotiation Skills: Disability law specialists are skilled negotiators. They can communicate effectively with insurance companies and their legal representatives to reach a fair settlement. In many cases, they can negotiate a reinstatement of your benefits or a lump-sum settlement that protects your financial well-being.

Maximizing Your Chances of Success: With their expertise, knowledge of the legal system, and experience in handling similar cases, disability law specialists can significantly increase your chances of success in appealing a termination of benefits. They can help you avoid common pitfalls, meet deadlines, and present the strongest possible case to protect your rights and secure the benefits you deserve.

Why are my Disability Benefits being cut off at the two-year mark?

Many long-term disability (LTD) policies in Canada contain a provision that changes the definition of disability after a certain period, typically two years. This shift in definition is a common reason why claimants find their disability benefits terminated at the two-year mark.

During the first two years of an LTD claim, the definition of disability is usually based on the claimant’s “own occupation.” This means that the claimant is considered disabled if they are unable to perform the substantial duties of their regular job due to an illness or injury. The “own occupation” definition provides more flexibility and makes it easier for claimants to qualify for benefits.

However, after the two-year mark, most LTD policies switch to a stricter definition of disability, known as “any occupation.” Under this definition, the claimant must prove that they are unable to perform the duties of any occupation for which they are reasonably suited by education, training, or experience. The “any occupation” definition sets a higher bar for eligibility and makes it more challenging for claimants to continue receiving benefits.

Insurance companies often use this change in definition as an opportunity to reassess claims and terminate benefits. They may argue that while the claimant was unable to perform their own occupation during the first two years, they are now capable of working in some other capacity. Insurers may conduct medical assessments, surveillance, or vocational evaluations to gather evidence supporting their decision to terminate benefits.

The shift from “own occupation” to “any occupation” can be a significant hurdle for claimants, particularly those with chronic or complex medical conditions. Even if a claimant remains unable to work in their previous role, the insurer may assert that they can work in a different field or a less demanding position.

Many claimants find it beneficial to work with a disability law specialist, like Lalande Disability Lawyers, who can help them navigate the complexities of the change in definition.

If you’ve been Denied Disability Benefits, call our Sudbury Disability Lawyers Today.

If your disability application has been rejected or your long-term disability benefits have been discontinued for ANY reason – contact us immediately to understand your legal options. Disability insurance companies often unjustly deny or terminate benefits – going against medical advice or opinion, leaving claimants financially devastated, without resources and options. If you find yourself in this situation and reside in the Greater Sudbury Area, we can assist you.

Our Sudbury long-term disability lawyers are well-versed in disability law, how to effectively present a legal disability claim, what medical information and experts will best support your case, and how to litigate your claim if it is completely denied.

Long Term Disability benefits lawyers Matt Lalande and Karen Camporese, along with their disability law team are ready to assist you. Our consultations are entirely free – and if you choose to work with our Hamilton disability lawyers, there is no fee. We do not charge our clients anything unless we win their case. We are pleased to offer you the legal advice you require to make an informed decision about your specific situation.

Contact us nationwide at 1-844-4-DISABILITY, or alternatively, you can send us a confidential email through our website – and we would be happy to explain your long-term disability rights and legal options to you, at no cost.



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Sudbury Disability Lawyer FAQ

What should I do if my long-term disability benefits have been denied in Sudbury?

If your long-term disability benefits have been denied or terminated in the Sudbury area, you should contact a disability lawyer specializing in long-term disability claims as soon as possible. Lalande Disability Lawyers have been helping Sudbury residents fight for their disability benefits since 1984.

How much does a Sudbury disability lawyer cost?

At Lalande Disability Lawyers, we work on a contingency fee basis, meaning you don’t pay any upfront costs or hourly fees. We only collect a percentage of the disability benefits awarded if we successfully resolve your case. If your claim is unsuccessful, you owe us nothing.

Why are my disability benefits being cut off at the two-year mark?

Many long-term disability policies in Canada change the definition of disability after two years. The definition shifts from “own occupation” (unable to perform your regular job) to “any occupation” (unable to perform any job you’re reasonably suited for). This stricter definition is often used by insurance companies to justify terminating benefits.

What are the benefits of hiring a disability law specialist?

A disability law specialist brings in-depth knowledge of disability law, insurance policies, and medical aspects relevant to your claim. They can effectively challenge insurance companies, navigate medical-legal litigation, negotiate settlements, and significantly increase your chances of success.

Do Sudbury disability lawyers offer free consultations?

Yes, many Sudbury disability lawyers, including Lalande Disability Lawyers, offer free initial consultations. This allows you to discuss your case, get legal advice, understand your options, and assess the lawyer’s expertise without any financial commitment.

How do I find a reputable long-term disability lawyer who Serves Sudbury?

Finding the right Sudbury disability lawyer can be challenging. Start with personal recommendations from trusted sources. Conduct online research, looking at lawyer websites and online reviews. Focus on lawyers specializing in disability law and consider factors like experience, reputation, and communication style.

Is Disability Lawyer Matt Lalande from Sudbury?

Yes, disability lawyer Matt Lalande grew up in Sudbury, Ontario and now runs one of the most successful disability law firms in the Country.

Are online reviews important when choosing a disability lawyer

Online reviews can offer valuable insights into a lawyer’s strengths and weaknesses, client experiences, and potential red flags. However, approach them critically, considering authenticity, potential bias, and the context of each review.

Do I need a lawyer if my disability benefits have been cut off?

While it’s not mandatory, having a disability lawyer significantly increases your chances of successfully appealing a benefits termination. They understand the complexities of disability law, can effectively challenge insurance companies, and can advocate for your rights throughout the process.

What are some common disabling medical conditions that qualify for long-term disability benefits?

Common disabling conditions include mental health issues like depression and anxiety, cancer, injuries like brain and back injuries, chronic disorders like Crohn’s disease and scoliosis, and chronic pain conditions.

Do I Have A Disability Case?


If you’ve been denied disability or your benefits have been terminated – fill in the form below.  We are more than happy to review your case and get right back to you.

    Disability Conditions
    We Can Help With

    From Breast Cancer to Bipolar Disorder  – we can help with ALL denied disability claims.

    view conditions

    Long-Term Disability Medical Conditions

    Below are some of the more common disabling medical conditions which our disability lawyers have helped claimants with over the years.