St. Catharines Long-Term Disability Lawyers


Our St.Catharines Disability Lawyers have been helping disabled individuals in St. Catharines and surrounding areas since 1984. Matt Lalande and Karen Camporese have recovered millions for claimants in St.Catharines who have been wrongly denied their Long-Term Disability Benefits. Remember, our consultations are ALWAYS FREE, and you will never pay our lawyers upfront.

As St. Catharines long-term disability lawyers, we understand that when someone is cut off from long-term disability benefits, it often results in severe and immediate financial hardship. These benefits are intended to provide a portion of a person’s income when they cannot work due to a disabling condition. The cessation of these benefits can cause a dramatic reduction in income, making it difficult or impossible to cover basic necessities such as food, rent or mortgage, utilities, and medical expenses.  This is something we have seen time and time again. 

Another issue our St.Catharines Disability Lawyers have witnessed firsthand is the worsening of a person’s mental health symptoms when dealing with an unreasonable adjuster and then – losing access to financial support. The stress from losing long-term disability benefits can exacerbate pre-existing psychological or mental health conditions. The loss of benefits and the financial instability and stress it brings can become a feedback loop that further aggravates these mental health conditions. 

if you live in the St.Catharines area, and you have been denied or cut-off your long-term disability benefits, it’s vital that you contact a disability lawyer with experience in both handling disability claims and trial experience – both of which can influence the outcome of your long-term disability claim.  Matt Lalande and Karen Camporese and their team of St. Catharines long-term disability lawyers have been fighting for people who have been denied disability benefits for over two decades. Matt and Karen are disability lawyers who have represented many disability clients in St.Catharines and surrounding areas – such as Welland, Niagara Falls, Grimsby, Port Colborne, Smithville, Cayuga, Dunville, Port Dover, Binbrook and Hamilton

Hiring a Long-Term Disability Lawyer in St. Catharines

Navigating the advertisements, billboards, online listings, and other forms of media can be an overwhelming task when trying to hire a St. Catharines disability lawyer. This challenge is compounded if one doesn’t have the benefit of a personal recommendation or previous experience with legal professionals. We understand the volume of information, names, and firms is enough to make anyone feel lost and confused. Each advertisement presents a firm or lawyer as the best choice, making it hard to discern genuine expertise and suitability for your unique situation. It’s entirely normal to feel frustrated or stressed in this process. The uncertainty of not knowing who to trust or how to evaluate their capabilities can add to the emotional burden. The journey of finding the right lawyer should be empowering and reassuring, but instead, it often feels like trying to find a needle in a haystack. This complexity of the process reflects a significant gap between the needs of those seeking legal assistance and the way the legal profession markets itself.

We would encourage you to speak to our disability lawyers. We have not only represented individuals in St. Catharines – but nationwide. We have litigated against every major long-term disability carrier and have recovered millions for our clients since 1984.

What Medical Conditions Qualify for Long-Term Disability?

We routinely assist claimants with cancer disability claims, mental health disability claims, chronic illness disability claims and injury disability claims – the following of which are set out below:

How do I Find the Right St. Catharines Disability Lawyer?

Finding a long-term disability lawyer in St. Catharines can be a difficult and time-consuming task. Disability cases often involve intricate knowledge of both legal and medical matters, requiring an experienced disability lawyer who is well-versed in the complexities of disability law and understands the medical issues at hand. Since long-term disability cases often involve sensitive personal matters, it is critical to find a St.Catharines disability lawyer with whom you feel comfortable and can trust. Here are some steps you can take:

Personal Recommendations: personal recommendations play an indispensable role in the search for a St. Catharines Disability Lawyer. When someone you trust—whether a friend, family member or professional contact—provides a recommendation, they’re sharing insights based on their direct experience. This could include the lawyer’s competency, dedication, and promptness in communication. A personal recommendation tends to offer a more reliable and balanced view compared to online reviews, as it’s less likely to exaggerate the positives or downplay the negatives.

Plus, the people who know you well can help you find a disability lawyer whose style and approach align with your preferences. For instance, if you prefer regular updates, a close contact might recommend a lawyer known for strong communication. 

However, gathering personal recommendations is more than simply asking around. It’s important to be clear about your specific needs, detailing the nature of your injury and your case, and outlining what you’re looking for in a St. Catharines Disability Lawyer. Try to gather multiple recommendations to get a broader perspective. Evaluating the source of the recommendation is also critical—everyone’s experience is subjective, so consider how much you trust the person’s judgment and whether their expectations and preferences align with yours. Once you receive a recommendation, don’t hesitate to dig deeper. Ask questions about the lawyer’s strengths and weaknesses, how they handled the case, and if there were any issues. While personal recommendations provide a valuable starting point, they should be used in conjunction with your own research and consultation to ensure the disability lawyer is indeed the right fit for you.

Online Research: Search for disability lawyers in your area and look at their websites. Many firms provide details about their lawyers, areas of expertise, and past cases. Online reviews can also be helpful.

Experience and Specialization: Look for a disability lawyer who specializes in disability law and, preferably, someone with experience in cases similar to yours. This is an absolute must.

Check their Reputation: Check with your local bar association to ensure the lawyer is in good standing. You can also look for any disciplinary actions taken against the lawyer in the past.

Make sure the consultation is free: Many disability lawyers offer free initial consultations. Use this opportunity to discuss your case and get a sense of whether you feel comfortable with the lawyer. Ask about their experience with similar cases, their approach to your case, and what outcome they might expect.

Legal Fees: In the context of disability law, lawyers – particularly ours – often operate on a contingency fee basis, meaning we only receive payment if our client’s disability claim is successful. However, be sure to discuss any potential costs upfront with whichever St. Catharines disability lawyers you speak with so there are no surprises later.

Hire someone who you Feel Comfortable with: Ultimately, you should feel comfortable with your disability lawyer and feel that they understand and care about your case. Trust your instincts; if something doesn’t feel right, it’s okay to seek out another lawyer.

Remember that it’s important to take your time in this process. Hiring the right St. Catharines disability lawyer can significantly impact the outcome of your case.

How Important are Online Reviews when Looking for a St. Catharines Disability Lawyer?

Reading online reviews can be valuable to your research when seeking a St. Catharines Disability Lawyer. While personal recommendations are incredibly important, online reviews offer additional perspectives and insights that can help you make an informed decision. Consider the following:

Broader Perspective: Online reviews provide a wider range of experiences and opinions from past clients. This can give you a more comprehensive understanding of the lawyer’s strengths and weaknesses.

Identifying Patterns: If you notice recurring themes in the reviews, whether positive or negative, it can indicate a pattern in the lawyer’s service. For example, if multiple reviews mention the lawyer’s promptness in communication, it’s likely a reliable strength.

Insight into Client Experience: Reviews often detail the client’s journey, from the initial consultation to the case outcome. This can give you a sense of what to expect if you choose to work with that lawyer.

Red Flags: Negative reviews can alert you to potential issues, such as lack of communication, unprofessionalism, or unsatisfactory case outcomes.

However, it’s important to approach online reviews with a critical eye and look for:

Authenticity: Not all reviews are genuine. Some may be written by the lawyer’s friends or family, while others may be posted by competitors attempting to tarnish their reputation. Our reviews are 100% real and authentic – that is a guarantee.

Extreme Opinions: People are more likely to write a review if they had a particularly good or bad experience. This can lead to polarized opinions that may not represent the average client’s experience.

Lack of Context: Reviews often lack the full context of the case. A negative outcome might be due to factors beyond the lawyer’s control, but this context may be missing from the review.

Outdated Information: Laws, practices, and even lawyers can change over time. An old review may not reflect the current reality.

Despite these limitations, online reviews are still a useful tool in your research. Look for patterns, read between the lines, and use the insights gained to inform your questions when you meet with potential lawyers.

While online reviews should not be the sole basis for your decision, they can provide valuable information to supplement personal recommendations and your own research. Approach them critically, but don’t discount them entirely. They are another puzzle piece in finding the right St. Catharines Disability Lawyer for your needs.

Are Consultations with your St. Catharines Disability Lawyers Free?

Lalande Disability Lawyers understands that hiring a disability lawyer can be daunting, especially when facing financial strain due to disability. The last thing you need is a legal bill after being cut-off LTD. We provide free consultations, where you can discuss your case with us for as long as you like – without any commitment.

The Benefits of a Free Consultation

In these meetings, our St. Catharines disability lawyers will listen carefully as you explain your situation and provide advice based on our expertise in Canadian disability law. You will learn about possible strategies for pursuing compensation and gain insight into how strong your claim might be. We’ll also explain our fee structure so there won’t be any surprises later on. This meeting provides us with both a chance to evaluate if working together would be beneficial for all parties involved – without you having to pay us any money upfront – at any time. During the consultation – and even if we decide to work together.

A free consultation offers several benefits:

Understanding Your Case: You’ll get a clearer picture of your situation and potential outcomes.

Evaluating Your St. Catharines Disability Lawyer: This is your chance to assess whether or not the lawyer understands your needs and can represent them well. With free consultations, you can meet several different lawyers.

Understanding Your Case: A St. Catharines disability lawyer can help you understand the specifics of your case, including the legalities involved. They will explain everything to you in layman’s terms, ensuring you grasp the situation and what needs to be done next.

Evaluating Eligibility: During the free consultation, the St. Catharines disability lawyer can assess your circumstances and provide an objective view on whether you have a strong case for reinstatement of your disability benefits. This is beneficial because it will save you time and effort if your situation doesn’t meet the requirements.

Planning a Strategy: If you decide to proceed with your case, our St. Catharines disability lawyers can help you plan the most effective strategy and identify the best way forward, giving you a greater chance of success.

No Financial Risk: As the consultation is free, you don’t have to worry about receiving a hefty legal bill after speaking with our St.Catharines lawyers. This gives you the opportunity to seek professional advice without any financial commitment. Our disability lawyers also work on a contingency basis, meaning you won’t need to pay legal fees unless you win your case.

Relieving Stress and Anxiety: Navigating the legal system can be stressful and overwhelming, especially if you’re already dealing with health issues. Speaking to a disability lawyer who specializes in disability cases can alleviate your fears and anxieties by providing clear, straightforward advice about your situation.

Remember, seeking help from a disability lawyer does not mean that you’re committed to hiring them, but it can provide valuable insight into your situation and potential avenues for reinstating your benefits.

The Fee is always free with our St. Catharines Disability Lawyers

What does this mean? It means that our disability lawyers only get paid if you get paid – or in other words, we worn on contingency. A contingency fee arrangement means our St. Catharines Disability Lawyers only gets paid if we win or settle your case successfully. The fee is a percentage of the compensation awarded in your case. If we don’t win, you don’t pay us.

Why do we offer to work for free? Because most individuals who have been cut-off or denied their long-term disability benefits will onto be able to afford to pay a lawyer’s hourly rates or fund the expensive cost of litigation. Our St. Catharines Disability Lawyers believe that everyone deserves quality legal representation, regardless of their financial situation.

What are the Benefits of Contingency Fees?

  1. No Upfront Cost: With contingency fees, clients don’t have to pay upfront legal fees, making it easier for individuals with financial constraints to seek justice. This accessibility means that more people can get legal representation without worrying about the immediate costs.
  2. No Risk for you: Disability lawyers who work on contingency fees carry the risk of the case. If the case is unsuccessful, the client is generally not required to pay. This setup reduces the risk for the client and incentivizes the St. Catharines disability lawyer to work hard on the case, knowing they only get paid if they win or reach a settlement.
  3. Motivation for Success: Since long-term disability lawyers working on contingency get a percentage of the settlement or judgment, they’re motivated to obtain the best outcome possible. The more successful they are, the higher their payout. This incentivizes them to maximize their effort and fight diligently for the client’s interests.
  4. Access Justice: Contingency fees help level the legal playing field. Even individuals going up against large disability insurance companies can get high-quality legal representation, ensuring that justice is not just a luxury for the well-off.
  5. Better Client-Lawyer Relationships: With contingency fees, the lawyer’s interests are aligned with the client’s. Both parties want a successful outcome, creating a stronger partnership. Furthermore, it can build trust as clients know their disability lawyers believe in their case enough to invest their time and expertise with the chance of not getting paid.

Why You Need a St. Catharines Disability Lawyer who Specializes in Disability Law

Don’t navigate the complex world of long-term disability claims alone. An experienced disability lawyer can make all the difference in the world and provide a comprehensive understanding of the legal process. Here are the top five reasons why hiring an experienced disability lawyer is an absolute must if you’ve been denied your long-term disability benefits:

A St. Catharines Disability Lawyer will Understand Complex Disability Laws: The labyrinth of disability law can be perplexing and overwhelming for those unfamiliar with it. A lawyer specializing in this area understands the intricate nuances and rules of the law, ensuring your case is presented in the most effective manner.

Higher Chances of Success: Our St. Catharines lawyers are experienced in disability insurance law and know what it takes to win cases. We are familiar with what evidence is needed, what experts are needed, how to present your case and how to handle potential challenges, thereby significantly increasing your chances of a successful claim.

Efficient Claim Processing: Lawyers specializing in disability law know how to navigate the claim process swiftly and accurately. They ensure all necessary documents are complete, correct, and submitted on time, helping to avoid unnecessary delays or rejections due to technicalities.

Professional Representation: If your claim reaches a hearing, a long-term disability lawyer can represent you effectively. They are experienced in arguing cases, cross-examining witnesses, and making compelling points that can sway the decision in your favour.

Relief of Stress: The process of filing a disability claim can be stressful. By hiring a lawyer who specializes in disability claims, you can focus on your health and well-being while they handle the legal complexities, offering a significant reduction in stress and anxiety.

Total Disability in Canada: Any Occupation vs Own Occupation

When it comes to long-term disability insurance in Canada, there are typically two main definitions of “total disability” which are set out in most, if not all long-term disability policies: any occupation (any occ) and own occupation (own occ). Understanding the difference is crucial, as it can impact your eligibility for benefits under different policies.

What does “Own Occupation” mean in the Context of Long-Term Disability?

In the context of long-term disability (LTD) insurance in Canada, the term “own occupation” refers to the insured’s specific job or profession at the time they became disabled. Under most LTD policies, during the first two years of disability, the “own occupation” definition is typically used to determine whether an insured person is considered totally disabled and thus eligible for benefits.

Under this “own occupation” period, an individual is regarded as totally disabled if their injury or illness prevents them from performing the substantial duties of their specific occupation. In simpler terms, if your medical condition prevents you from doing the job you were doing at the time you became disabled, you would qualify for benefits under the “own occupation” clause.

However, it’s crucial to note that this definition usually changes after two years. After this period, most policies shift from an “own occupation” definition to an “any occupation” definition of total disability. This means that after the two-year mark, you would be considered disabled and eligible for continued benefits only if your medical condition prevents you from performing the duties of any occupation for which you are reasonably suited by education, training, or experience.

This transition can often lead to the termination of benefits if the insurance company determines that while you may not be able to perform your own occupation, you are able to work in a different occupation. Therefore, understanding the nuances of these definitions in your policy and how they affect your eligibility for benefits is crucial in navigating your long-term disability claim. It is advisable to consult with a St. Catharines disability lawyer specialized in LTD to help advocate for your rights and secure the benefits you’re entitled to.

What does “any occupation” mean in the Context of Long-Term Disability?

The term “any occupation,” as utilized in most long-term disability (LTD) insurance policies in Canada, refers to a broader classification of employment beyond the insured’s specific profession at the time of their disability onset. After an initial period, typically two years, during which the “own occupation” definition is employed, most LTD policies shift to this “any occupation” standard.

Under the “any occupation” definition, an individual is considered totally disabled if their medical condition prevents them from performing the duties of any occupation for which they are reasonably suited by education, training, or experience. This does not mean just any job in the workforce but rather occupations reasonably within your reach considering your skills, experience, and education.

This transition in definitions often represents a higher threshold for disability, as it expands the range of jobs you are expected to be able to perform. Consequently, the change from “own occupation” to “any occupation” can sometimes result in a cessation of benefits if the insurance company determines that, while you may not be able to perform your own occupation, you are capable of performing some other suitable occupation.

Therefore, it’s critical to comprehend this shift in definition and how it may impact your eligibility for LTD benefits. If your benefits have been terminated following this transition, it may be prudent to consult with a St. Catharines disability lawyer experienced in LTD insurance to evaluate your situation and potentially challenge the insurance company’s determination.

If you’ve been Denied your Long-Term Disability Benefits, our St. Catharines Disability Lawyers can help.

If your disability application has been denied or your long-term disability benefits have been terminated for ANY reason – call us today to learn your rights. Oftentimes, disability insurance companies wrongfully deny or terminate benefits – contrary to medical advice or medical opinion and when this happens, it often leaves claimants financially destitute, without funds and without options. If this happens to you and you live in the St. Catharines area, we can help.

Our St. Catharines long-term disability lawyers understand disability law, how to best present a legal disability claim, what medical information and medical experts will best assist with your case, and how to try your case if your claim is denied altogether.

Long Term Disability benefits lawyers Matt Lalande and Karen Camporese and their disability insurance team are here to help. Our consultations are 100% free – and if you decide to work with our Hamilton disability lawyers, the fee is free. We do not charge our clients anything unless we win their case. We are happy to provide you with the legal advice you need in order for you to make an informed decision about your own particular situation. Call us no matter where you are Nationwide at 1-844-4-DISABILITY, or alternatively, you can send us a confidential email through our website – and we would be happy to explain your long-term disability rights and legal options to you at no cost.



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St. Catharines Disability Lawyer FAQ

What qualifies for long-term disability in Ontario?

Qualification for long-term disability in Ontario depends on the severity, duration, and impact of your health condition on your ability to work.

How much does long-term disability pay in Ontario?

Long-term disability payments in Ontario vary based on factors like pre-disability income but typically range between 60% – 80% of regular earnings.

How long can you stay on LTD in Ontario?

You can remain on Long-Term Disability (LTD) benefits until age 65 if you continue meeting the eligibility criteria set out by your specific plan.

Q: How do I find a reputable long-term disability lawyer in St. Catharines?

You can find a reputable lawyer by researching online, asking for referrals, or contacting the Law Society of Ontario. Look for lawyers with specific experience in long-term disability claims and a good track record of successful outcomes.

What can cause the termination of long-term disability benefits?

Long-term disability benefits can be terminated for several reasons, including a determination that you can return to work, insufficient medical evidence of ongoing disability, or reaching the end of the benefit period defined in the policy.

What is the “any occupation” period in long-term disability policies?

The “any occupation” period usually begins after the first two years of disability. During this time, you are considered disabled if you are unable to work in any occupation for which you are reasonably suited by education, training, or experience.

How can a St. Catharines long-term disability lawyer help me with my claim?

A long-term disability lawyer can provide legal advice, help gather necessary medical evidence, handle all communications with the insurance company, and represent you during the appeal process or in litigation if necessary.

If my long-term disability claim has been denied, what should I do?

If your claim has been denied, it’s advisable to consult with a lawyer experienced in long-term disability cases. They can help you understand the reasons for the denial, gather necessary evidence, and guide you through the appeal process.

Why was my long-term disability claim denied?

There can be several reasons for a claim denial, including lack of sufficient medical evidence, discrepancies in the claim, or the insurance company’s belief that you can perform the duties of your own or any other suitable occupation.

What does it mean if my long-term disability claim is denied?

When a long-term disability claim is denied, it means the insurance company has decided that the claimant does not meet the criteria defined in the policy for disability, or there is insufficient medical evidence to support the claim.

What is long-term disability insurance?

Long-term disability insurance is a type of coverage that provides a portion of your income if you’re unable to work due to a serious illness or injury. It typically kicks in after short-term disability or sick leave benefits are exhausted.

Do I Have A Disability Case?


If you’ve been denied disability or your benefits have been terminated – fill in the form below.  We are more than happy to review your case and get right back to you.

    Disability Conditions
    We Can Help With

    From Breast Cancer to Bipolar Disorder  – we can help with ALL denied disability claims.

    view conditions

    Long-Term Disability Medical Conditions

    Below are some of the more common disabling medical conditions which our disability lawyers have helped claimants with over the years.